Masters Picture Framing Clamp | V5-Basic | MasterClamp

V5-Basic - 2022 Edition. Master Joints 

Create strong corner Joints in picture frames up to 3.5" wide. to avoid joining gaps adjust the angle before tightening for a perfect full contact joint. MasterClamp (when using 4 clamps) ensures leveled frame, not twisted, and strongly bonded. The clamps industrial quality and precision ensures great accuracy. Professional picture framers use MasterClamp to deliver high end product with outstanding quality. The clamp is made of aircraft aluminum and professional-grade stainless steel for durability and a long service life.  For the 2022 model we overhauled the parts and assembly resulting with high performance clamp ever. V5-Basic is a basic framing clamp, very practical, thus quick and easy to adapt.

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A brief history of MasterClamp and "Dynamic Clamping pressure"

MasterClamp was first introduced in 1999 (NY trade show) and has been improved ever since.
Along the years we were experimenting in the area of dynamic clamping pressure, in order to deliver sufficient pressure at the joint, (continuously while the glue adheres). MasterClamp delivers proper/ optimized clamping pressure, distributed evenly throughout the joints resulting with full surface contact to ensure best bonding at the corner joint. MasterClamp settings and adjustment made easy to change on the go, thus enable framers to be in full control of the finished product.  
MasterClamp smart design is a call for picture framers to learn more and achieve the very best results when joining picture frames of all kind and types.

Dynamic Framing Clamp

The term: dynamic-framing-clamp is a collection of closely related techniques that have been employed in frame joining to provide effective features to "outsmart" typical problems regarding frame-joining and the clamping mechanisms.

MasterClamp 2022 - The improvements:

  1. Clamping pressure - Delivers equal pressure throughout the joint.
  2. Spring-loaded jaws - constant tightening pressure at the joint for maximum contact coverage.
  3. Angle adjustment - the clamps angle will adjust easily to match with the miter-cuts for the best possible contact and alignment.
  4. Clamps setting – intuitive and easy to use enables framers to work with more type of picture frames.
  5. User friendly- straightforward clamping method made easy to understand, adapt and practice, requires minimum hand power to deliver the force and precision necessary for the job.

2022 special edition is available now to purchase, comes with lifetime warranty and full refund with no time limit.

Features include:

  • Angle Adjustment - (two gears on the right fence) designed to adjust the clamp angle thus adapt to the miter cuts angle.
  • Quick Release - (back of clamp) designed for a quick change of the clamp opening to fit a new frame in.
  • Clamp Handle - when turned clockwise creates the clamping pressure necessary to create maximum bonding strength at the  joint.  (Up to 1000 psi)
  • Spring Jaws - (front of the clamp) continuous action of "push and tighten" aimed at the corner, to achieve a strong joint every time.

Instructions, How to use V5-Basic features

  1. Draw the clamp handle backwards and place the molding onto the clamp opening.
  2. Using the two gears, adjust the clamp angle till no gaps seen and the alignment seems perfect.
  3. Coat both miter cuts with glue and realign.
  4. Tighten the handle clockwise until you get a tight joint, as you feel necessary.
  5. Wipe off the excess glue.
  6. Allow 15-20 minutes for the glue to dry, before removing the clamps.
  7. Voila done!

MasterClamp (since 1999) designed as a single-handed operation clamp to enable a free hand to adjust/align the frame while clamping. Made of aircraft aluminum and professional grade stainless steel MasterClamp is known for its durability and long service life. The clamp is built strong to withstand heavy-duty applications.

The industry standard for framing clamps delivers a set of professional clamps designed by MasterClamp and is packed with new features designed to inspire.

About V5-Basic

Frame joining as a form of art, provides an opportunity for picture framers to present excellent quality finished product. MasterClamp exquisite design provides an easy way to perfectly join picture frames. V5-Basic is a great clamp tool for Frame Restoration projects.

MasterClamp makes the industry most reliable framing clamps.

 How to join a picture frame with V5-Basic clamp

 V5-Basic clamp animation

 MasterClamp frame joining concept (see them in action)  

 V5-Basic clamp angle adjustment