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V5-Basic (3.5" opening)

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Picture Framing Magazine/ Sep 2021                           

                                                   By Rob Markoff

MasterClamp V5-Pro

After several versions and revisions, I think MasterClamp V5-Pro may be the best miter clamp ever made. It is beau­tifully machined, made in America and is a lifetime tool. In the event that your miters are not perfect 45 degrees, the jaws may be fine-tuned to achieve perfect surface contact for a strong joint. However, the best feature is the 



 ability for the miter fences to also be adjusted inwards. This is the perfect clamp for tall shadowbox and stem mouldings because it also applies  at the top of the moulding and not just at the bottom. The clamp is intended to be used to glue the joint first and allowing the miter to completely dry before adding v-nails or other fasteners to reinforce the miter. www.masterclamp.com







Avi Gombinsky Founder of Masterclamp
Avi Gombinsky
MasterClamp founder
Jan 18, 2022
As we are launching our new site, I'd like to share an article by Rob Markof (the "Guru" of everything picture framing..) Published lately in Picture Framing Magazine  as an educational and practical prospective.